
Friday, June 1, 2012

This week in science #15

     This week in science I did something pretty exciting and also unexpected. We did not another one but TWO more marshmallow challenges. And another surprise was we were put into the same groups as last time when we first did the marshmallow challenge in the beginning of the year. But one more weird twist was we had to first do the marshmallow challenge without talking, but we could eye text, write on post-its, and use symbols or mouth read, but no words. Then we did the marshmallow challenge while talking and communicating normally. That experience was nerve-wracking, fun, and really really unexpected.
     This week in science I learned some more interesting things. Like how to work with people without communicating while constructing something, while being timed. I learned that you shouldn't panic because of time because then you will panic lml. I learned that when your with or used to people in a group you did o.k in already you will mesh together a little better because of experience. I learned that being surprised before doing a challenge is really scary and funny because you really don't know what to expect. I learned that you work better when talking. I learned that having more tape can expand your creative thinking of what you can build. I learned that working with other groups next to you or around you, you can get jealous but also stay determined. I Learned that I cannot be quiet for my life lml. I learned that whole wheat spaghetti noodles are thinner than whole grain noodles, therefore they are stronger to build with (if you were to). And lastly I learned in science class the goofball in me really comes out because science is live (now, when we do activities like the marshmallow challenge).

  And this a is my group and I building our marshmallow tower for the marshmallow challenge.

  • Marshmallows...looking lovely!

           Below is my Cohart's marshmallow challenge results through the year (the three times we did it)...b.t.w my group is "Team A"