
Friday, June 1, 2012

This week in science #15

     This week in science I did something pretty exciting and also unexpected. We did not another one but TWO more marshmallow challenges. And another surprise was we were put into the same groups as last time when we first did the marshmallow challenge in the beginning of the year. But one more weird twist was we had to first do the marshmallow challenge without talking, but we could eye text, write on post-its, and use symbols or mouth read, but no words. Then we did the marshmallow challenge while talking and communicating normally. That experience was nerve-wracking, fun, and really really unexpected.
     This week in science I learned some more interesting things. Like how to work with people without communicating while constructing something, while being timed. I learned that you shouldn't panic because of time because then you will panic lml. I learned that when your with or used to people in a group you did o.k in already you will mesh together a little better because of experience. I learned that being surprised before doing a challenge is really scary and funny because you really don't know what to expect. I learned that you work better when talking. I learned that having more tape can expand your creative thinking of what you can build. I learned that working with other groups next to you or around you, you can get jealous but also stay determined. I Learned that I cannot be quiet for my life lml. I learned that whole wheat spaghetti noodles are thinner than whole grain noodles, therefore they are stronger to build with (if you were to). And lastly I learned in science class the goofball in me really comes out because science is live (now, when we do activities like the marshmallow challenge).

  And this a is my group and I building our marshmallow tower for the marshmallow challenge.

  • Marshmallows...looking lovely!

           Below is my Cohart's marshmallow challenge results through the year (the three times we did it)...b.t.w my group is "Team A"

Friday, May 11, 2012

This Week In Science #13

This is a picture of my cellar spider's habitat.

B) If I added five more spiders in Charlie's habitat in the tank I think that only one would survive depending on how territorial each spider is. The plants in the tank will continue making their own food with their photosynthesis producing oxygen and making glucose, but eventually everything will die if we don't water the tank every once in a while. But without the solar energy from the sun  the plants will die and the habitat for all the spiders will come to a cease. And without carbon dioxide from us the plants will not survive.

Monday, May 7, 2012

This Week In Science #12

     This week in science I did some cool things. I fed my cellar spider, whose name is Charlie. I'm not going to lie it was a little scary because I was expecting for it to try to get out the tank while the top of the tank was off, but it didn't. I also made a observation log for my cellar spider Charlie. I made a "cute" cover page for it and it's awesome. And I also did research for the cellar spider to put on the pages in the booklet like facts and details. My partner Jasmine didn't do  anything this week because she wasn't here all this week but she would of been productive one would think. And my other partner Ryan did do a great job of helping me find some answers to put in my little booklet.
     This week in science I learned some things and also refreshed and clarified some things. But this week I learned what cellar spiders eat, where you may find them and why there webs don't need to be biotic because its a lot of it. And I learned how to set up a booklet, what colors I can use for my cover page to make it pop and that drawing a spider isn't as easy as you think. I learned that a decrease in the population of any part of the food chain can interrupt or destroy an entire ecosystem. I also learned that cellar spiders don't have any predators because they try to avoid any. From making my booklet and researching more details and important data I learned that this booklet can help me renew Charlie's (my cellar spider) habitat and make him survive longer. I learned that my partner Ryan is nice, cool and a good partner to work with if you want to get your work done.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

This Week In Science #11

     This week in science I did a quite bit. I picked up plants, bugs and other things for my spider Charlie to help his habitat. I did a spider work sheet on cellar spiders and I actually didn't finish it. Hopefully I'll get that done soon. But I also watched a video on how cellar spiders catch their prey with their web. It was wicked the sight was pretty cool. Umm my partner Nazia, who took pictures on Tues., uploaded pictures to the laptop so we can have some pictures on tour document. And my other partner Ryan did allow us to use his arms so he can carry the tank as we found objects and other things for Charlie's environment.
     I learned that spiders need food and obstacles to mack on to be put in a tank for a period of time. And I learned that flowers will die if they are put in the tank without sunlight or water, and that cellar spiders have a short life span. I earned from doing research on cellar spiders that they don't have adhesive web, they have 8 legs and their nicknames are "grand-daddy long legs" lml. I learned from the video I watched that cellar spiders vibrate or move really quick when another creature is by it, that they wrap a bunch of web around its prey when it captures it and that the cellar spider produces about six wraps around its prey per second. When Nazia uploaded the pictures I know now u can't crop them and that we should have picked pictures that show us getting objects for Charlie's tank. And lastly I learned too any rocks make the tank heavy when I put too many in the tank Ryan was holding and that we shouldn't put long branches in the tank so it won't hit Ryan in his face.

Monday, April 2, 2012

This Month In Science #10

This is the picture of my groups picture .
     This month in science we did a lot. We made a couple of charts with some guest that we brainstormed with on the 4 topics waste, water, energy and transportation. The Human Impact Ins. helped us along the way to guide us a little during our project. We made slogans and drew pictures to put on our t shirts. It was actually more complicated than you think because the only colors that were allowed on the paper were black and white. We commented on a post from Tara and we wrote nice comments and constructive criticism. Umm we also went out in the community to ask regular people how they use, take advantage, and can avoid some activities with transportation, waste, water and energy. We then graphed all our info on a chart in Google docs and we read the case study on the topic of wind energy. It was interesting. And we also calculated watts with Jamie, it was cool.
     This month in science I learned some things. It was actually more to do in my opinion than what I learned in my opinion, but who cares. From brainstorming with the 4 topics I learned how to expand a small idea into much more. And that one word can mean many many things. I learned that when people from other institutes come to help you take advantage and be respectful. Also that if you don't ask questions you won't know what your doing. For slogans and pictures I learned if your picture has too many words people may not be as attracted to them and that your slogan has to match with your picture. And that if your going to put your design on a shirt their cannot be too many little lines because it may not appear as clear on the shirt. And I learned not all comments have to be critical or cruel they can be nice lml. And I learned if you comment on someones post they may comment on yours and that people take constructive criticism lightly. And when we went out in the community I learned people can be rude, they use a lot of energy and watch a lot of t.v. And when my group answered the questions I learned that mainly teenagers go in the fridge a lot and they watch at least 6 hrs of t.v everyday, unless their on punishment lmao. And that I need to stop watching t.v as much as I do because that's why the bills that high. I learned that wind energy isn't known very well and that there is a huge windmill powered by wind. And that people use wind energy to their benefit. And lastly I learned that a kilowatt are more than a watt. And that you can over use a curling iron and that it gets hot real quick if a blow dryer is on for 7 seconds or more.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Human Impact Ad Campaign

This is a picture of my final photo.
This is a picture of my draft and ideas I brainstormed

Friday, February 10, 2012

This week in Science #9

     This week in science we did some sugar honey ice tea! We first brain stormed the creatures that we were going to dissect. They were the mouse, the frog, a skate and a perch. Then we observed the two animals that we were willing to dissect. My group chose the skate and the perch. We drew dorsal and ventral views of the animal we were going to do. Later on in the week my group and I dissected the skate and we found many parts like the stomach, large intestine and liver. I was disgusted and fascinated at the time. But the skin of the skate is very thick and was thorny because of its spikes in certain ares like the tail. You can see this in the picture above.
     This week in science I learned weird things. I learned that the skate has very thick skin and if its a male it has claspers. I learned that frogs and mice are more like humans than the skate and perch. I learned that female perch produce hundreds of eggs in one laying (called caviar). I learned some organisms are harder to dissect because of their skin like the frogs skin is way thinner than the mouses because the mouse has a lot of fur which makes it harder to dissect. Lastly I learned that skates have a whole lot of water in them still after they are dead.
     Well my group dissected the skate and my "table mate" dissected the perch. These two animals are similar because both are harder to dissect. The perch does not have spikes or thorns on its body but the skate does for protection purposes. The perch has scales and fins the skate doesn't it has a smooth skin. The skate has a long tail with spikes to wave off predators. And lastly the skate has its mouth on the bottom but the perch has its mouth in the front.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

This Week In Science #8

                                                             Above is the dorsal view

                                                              Below is the side view
     This week in science we did some pretty disgusting stuff. We dissected an earth worm, a craw fish, and a giant cricket. My group took pictures and drew pictures of the creatures we dissected, which was the craw fish. We saw the heart of the craw fish and the gills that were inside of the craw fish's tough armored skin. We also took dorsal and side photos of the fish before getting crazy with the dissecting. We also used scalpel and the scissor for the first time during a dissection with a creature.
     This week in science I learned how to dissect different species such as the earth worm, a cray fish and a giant cricket. I also learned how to hold and use the scalpel and scissor the correct and appropriate way. I learned that I like dissecting things. I didn't know cray fish had gills inside their of their bodies unlike fish, who have it outside their bodies. I learned that Angela likes to play with the disgusting earth worms. And lastly I learned the different views of the dissections. A couple are the proximal view, dorsal view and the ventral view.

Monday, January 23, 2012

This month in science

This month in science we did a project. We had to make a power point video with our group on the background that we chose to do. We had to choose an animal that lived in the environment and what it eats and etc. During this project we also had to vocally record what was on our power point (vegetation, location, climate, and landforms). My group actually chose the desert and and we chose desert animals, and described the climate. I chose the desert bighorn sheep. I did one slide and it was beautiful, but my recording part was horrible.

This month in science I learned how to create a great power point for my science project. I also learned how to put a picture as the background of the slide. I learned that speaking over laptop is not my strong suit and that I work slowly with a group. I learned that the desert has sheep, and the desert bighorn sheep eats bobcats, mountain lions, coyotes, golden eagles,  and wolves. I learned that it rains in the desert but very rarely. And lastly I learned that I should do better in science class because I have a C+.